Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
I was on vacation, but had to come back for this one. Esther Arunga. I've been a big fan of hers since she begun, and to see her be portrayed on telly as some religious nut-case, well, I can't stand for that. It goes against everything I believe in. So I've been doing my own investigation.
The Finger of God is an effect in observational cosmology that causes clusters of galaxies to be elongated in redshift space, with an axis of elongation pointed toward the observer. I guess that's why they chose that phrase to name their church.
The allegations that they are cultic are totally false. Yes they do not conform to the normal Christian teaching, but here's a bombshell, why do you think there are so many different denominations of Christianity? It definitely isn't because they have similar teachings.
Honestly, when I first came across this story, I was in shock and awe. It was too perfect. Things were aligning themselves abit too perfectly, just like 9/11. It seemed to me at the time, that someone, or some people had decided to shut her up. Question was, why? She's just an ordinary person. Then I watched her interview on You Tube Esther Arunga on Capital Talk and it started making sense.
Automatically my mind drifted to an article I read years ago on the Daily Nation, about Devil Worship and Cultic behavior in Kenya. Former President Daniel Arap Moi put together a task force to investigate allegations of devil worship nationwide. Of course the task force made its recommendations, and was forgotten...
Don't you find it a little convenient that Esther is being buried for having evidence about certain individuals that are in positions of power in the government... And isn't it convenient that Raila & Kibaki's squabbles about Ruto and Ongeri have suddenly disappeared from the minds of Kenyans...
That's my two sense. From now on, this blog isn't about forming an opinion for you, I will get the facts, you decide what you want to believe...
Read the results of the commission here Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Cult of Devil Worship in Kenya
Here are a couple more sites on devil worship in Kenya. It's amazing that they're actually many... Kenya's Devils
The UNHCR had this to say UNHCR Report And the BBCBBC Report And the site that lead me to all this discovery Freemasonry Watch
Militant out.