Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
I came across this wonderful documentary called Gandhi, based on Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi an Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution. His trials and tribulations revealed to me that even as a Kenyan, who has learned of the injustices thrust upon my people, that we are not alone. It seems like the British weren’t picky with their discrimination, the Indians were persecuted just as much as the Kenyans were. Maybe every other citizen of British colonies all over the world has suffered the same fate…
This is a man, who taught non violence. He believed in the Biblical phrase, if someone strikes one cheek, show him the other. This is a man of such strong will, faith and wisdom. He made me realise one thing, each man carries both extreme love and hate. After all his suffering he was killed by his own people, for pitiful and selfish reasons.
But still the arrogance of a community of people to invade another community then create laws to justify oppressing the subjects. Makes you wonder, do I blame the 10 year olds who pick up arms to fight the Americans (coalition my ass) in Afghanistan and Iraq? Neither do I blame the child soldiers in the SPLA who fight the Northern Sudan Forces to protect their mothers and sisters who are being raped and violated everyday.
I am not one who enjoys seeing the loss of life with every passing day of war all over the world, but I do have to say, if you came into my house threatening my family, I will tear you limb from limb and later hope that God will understand and forgive me…
Somehow, the stuff I write in this blog will hinder me from getting a Visa to anywhere… But as my Sensei Gandhi would say, let them fear the sword of truth.
Militant out.
“You may, if you like, cut us to pieces. You may shatter us at the canon's mouth. If you act contrary to our will we shall not help you and without our help, we know that you cannot move one step forward. It is likely that you will laugh at all this in the intoxication of your power.”
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)