Sunday, January 25, 2009


Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.

Well, as was expected, with the US under an African ruler, things were going to change. I mean, that was the central theme of his whole campaign. Which I applaud most of his efforts and promises. But he shouldn’t make the mistake of sending home suspects held in Guantanamo Bay.

Yeah, I know that’s kinda strange coming form me, but indulge me. I do not support the existence of that death camp; neither do I support what goes on inside it. But one thing remains certain. Bush fucked up.
Since those suspects are already there, and recently, I think two of them were finally tried before a judge and jury, for the 9/11 attacks.

Honestly, whether or not they are innocent isn’t the issue. When you take a dog, forgive the metaphor, and treat it like it was some wild animal, eventually, it will become a wild animal.

The amount of torture those suspects have gone through, is beyond my comprehension. Two Kenyans were abducted from Mombasa awhile back, I mean, what kind of leader would sanction his/her citizens to be tortured in some other country, but that’s an argument for another day. Anyway, when these poor Kenyans were finally let go, well, let’s just say they didn’t come back the same.

All I’m saying is, these people should be counselled and the American government do whatever they can to kiss their asses. Otherwise, you just gave 60 angry Muslims enough ammunition to go back to their country and preach hatred towards the US. And I don’t know if you’ve heard of this new method of marketing most companies are employing these days. Whereby, they use the customers to spread the good word about their product.

Well, these 60, who will prolly be recruited by Al Qaeda, or form their own extremist organisation, and train other subjects, from their own first hand experience, about how the US foreign policy is really implemented... Otherwise, the circle just keeps going... And guess who pays for it? You, me and other defenceless women and children.

Militant out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New World Order

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.

So i just watched the inauguration ceremony and President Barrack Hussein Obama delivered a very powerful speech. Citing different topics, from the world economy, to Afghanistan and Iraq.

I can't lie, this is the greatest day in history. Here's a quote from the speech:

"... 60 years ago, my father could not get service in a restaurant, and today, i stand before you taking an oath..."

But i just realised one thing. Black Americans (not to be confused with African Americans) are a bunch of douches (most not all, don't get it twisted). I mean, it took Barrack Obama senior, to leave Kogelo, travel to Hawaii, sire a son, and skive, for black people to be really emancipated????

These niggas couldn't find one amongst them, with a good head on his shoulders, and achieve this? Not that i do not appreciate what other freedom fighters and movements have done for the black cause, but ain't it abit late???

I mean, it's friggin 2009! What's wrong with us black people? Why do we suffer the "Messiah Syndrome"? Always waiting for someone else to come save us from our suffering???

Why can't we take responsibility into our own hands, and take action???? I'll leave you to ponder that...

Militant out.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

3rd World

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sister.

Well, right now, i'm going through some thang's and i don't want to burden anyone with my shit. But as a side note, i finally got my ass to listen to the 3rd World album, by Immortal Technique. Shit!!!! I had heard some rumours, but thought he would turn out to be like Jay Z (read disapointment). So my favourite track is this. I cannot add anything...

Immortal Technique and DJ Green Lantern

Third World mother fuckers!

I'm from where the gold and diamonds are ripped from the earth
right next to the slave castles where the water is cursed
from where police brutality's not half as nice
and makes the hood in America look like paradise
compared to the AIDS-infested Caribbean slum
African streets where the passport's an American gun
from where they massacre people and try to keep it quiet
and spend the next 25 years tryin' to deny it
I'm from where they cut your hands off if you make a fist
and niggas throw coca cause the job market doesn't exist
except slave labor modern day company store
and peace keeper's don't ever ever ever come here no more
from where the bombs that they used to drop on Vietnam
*Steal* us children born deformed eight months before they born
I'm from where they lost the true meaning of the Qur'an,
'cause heroin is not compatible with Islam.
And niggas know that, but throw that poppy seed anyway,
'cause that food drop parachute does not come everyday.
I'm from where people pray to the gods of their conquerors and practically,
Every *president's a* money launderer.
I'm from the only place democracy is acceptable,
Is if America candidate is electable.
And they might even have a black president, but he's useless,
'Cause he does not control the economy stupid!

Lock and load your gun, where I'm from: the Third World son,
Been to many places but I'm Third Torld-born.
Guerrillas hit and run where I'm from: the Third World son.
You polluted everything, and now the Third World's gone.
The waters poisoned where I'm from son,
Seven hundred children die by the end 'this song.
Revolution'll come, where I'm from: the Third World son.
Constant occupation, leaves the Third World torn.

I'm from where the catholic churches are some racist shit.
They helped Europe and America rape this bitch.
They pray to white Spaniard Jesus, who's face is this
But never talk about the black Pope Gelasius
I'm from where soviet weapons still decide elections.
Military is like the mafia: you pay for protection.
*catamite* sex toys, is what the country sells,
And rich white businessmen make the best clientèle.
I'm from where they too pussy to come film Survivor .
And they murder Coca-Cola union organizers.
I'm from where the justice system


cause Rico laws don't apply to the CIA
and mother fuckers make sneakers for a quarter a day
I'm from where they overthrow democratic leaders
not for the people but for the Wall Street Journal readers
from where blacks, indigenous peoples and Asians were once
slaves of the Caucasians and it's amazing how they trained them
to be racist against themselves in a place they were raised in
and you kept us caged in
destroyed our culture and said that you civilized us
raped our woman and when we were born you despised us
gentrified us?????
and crucified every revolutionary messiah
so Ima start a global riot
that not even your fake
anti-communist dictators can keep quiet
fuck your charity medicine, try to murder me
the immunizations you gave us were full of mercury
so now I see the Third World like the rap game soldier
nationalize the industry and take it over!

Lock and load your gun, where I'm from: the Third World son,
Been to many places but I'm third world-born.
Guerrillas hit and run where I'm from: the Third World son.
You polluted everything, and now the Third World's gone.
The waters poisoned where I'm from son,
Seven hundred children die by the end 'this song.
Revolution'll come, where I'm from: the Third World son.
Constant occupation, leaves the Third World drone.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

So She's Underage...

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.

So yesterday, i went for this supposed New Years party, which the host ends up leaving (which didn't make any sense), but anyway, at the party, i met this young girl, let's call her Patricia.

So Patty, is quite pretty. Well spoken. Interesting. But she is 17. Now ordinarily, the alarms would go off, with me hollaing Statutory Rape. But, she seems like a girl i could actually have a conversation, 'coz with the women i know already, lemme not even go there.

So anyway, i start thinking. What if? What if i took her home? What if i actually got into a relationship with this girl? What would happen? Then it hit me. When i was her age, my sisters used to call it, the "Fall In Love" age.

So, with my extreme charm and damaging good looks, i would most probably wipe the poor girl off her feet! Before she noticed, she would be in the clouds, fantasising about how many children we could have...

And when i finally decide to leave, which would be inevitable, she would be totally crushed... And i wasn't about to go through that cycle just for one night of really good sex. So i decided, it wasn't worth it, and continued sipping my drink, as i watched people act themselves out... Which wasn't that interesting. I would rather have sex....

Militant out.