Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
It's been a minute since i last actually wrote something substancial. Guess alot has happened in my life since then. Went through an extremely painful breakup, only to meet someone special.
I can say, with great humility, that we mere mortals cannot fathom the plans of our Creator (whoever you may believe he/she/it is...) I dunno, lately i feel so open to new ideas, that it's amazing.
I have almost given up all that is militant, for the sake of all that is peaceful, wise, effective and timeless. I feel like El Malik El Shahbazz (Malcolm X, for all you ignoranus), after he came back from his pilgrimage to Mecca, Lord rest his soul.
There are alot of things we question in life. From our basic existence, to our survival. But somehow i cannot shake this feeling... Native Indians used to put their ear to the ground, when they sensed something was coming.
I can't remember exactly who it was, but in Kenyan history, there was a spiritual leader who predicted the coming of what he called, the 'Iron Horse', with pale faced men... Something's up. The cosmos isn't balanced... Mmhhh....
As i ponder on this predicament, hopefully i'll come up with a better blog. Till then,
Militant out.
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