Asaalam aleykum, my brothers and sister.
Damn! It’s been so long since I blogged!!! Damn! Anyway, a lot of shit has happened since, some of which would make an excellent read, I mean, I still don’t believe it myself... But I wouldn’t want to stoop that low. So anyway, back to shit I actually care about.
So I was watching this movie with Keri Washington and Chris Rock, I Think I Love My Wife. Definitely I wasn’t watching it for her, jeez these days she’s on everything you watch, from Aveon Flux to Hotel Rwanda... But Chris Rock is one of the illest comedians and I just had to watch something by him.
So by the title, obviously, his character is depicted as this successful black man, married to a beautiful black woman and with two wonderful kids. But problem is, they aren’t having sex. Since they got married, they only lay together when they sired their two kids... WTF?!?!?!?!
Honestly ladies, y’all need to give it up more often. That’s what will save your relationship. Fuck your man’s brains out, every time you see him, whether in the mall, at the supermarket, at the movies, in the driveway outside your house... Catch my flow?
This dumb shit y’all were lied to, that apparently the more you hold out, the more the guy will want you... HELL NAH!!!! That shit don’t work! If you don’t believe me then follow this link 6 Month Dude.
For real, I’m tired of going to a pub (yeah, I don’t like clubs much), and seeing some dude my dad’s age hitting on girls I’m with!!! WTF!?!?! And you know it’s hard to compete, the nigga has quite a supply of money and Viagra...
And dudes, honestly, that first nut is a bitch! Get it out the way, and make passionate monkey sex to your girl. And with that, I wish you all a Happy New Year! See you on the other side...
Militant out.
“Why can’t we all just get our freak on...?” Chris Tucker.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Revolution Is Here
“I have a dream... That one day that my poor little children, will live in a nation where, they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character...” Martin Luther King.
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Today, I come to you with a heavy heart. Never before, have I ever witnessed such a relevant event in history. Just when we thought God had forgotten us, he sends us an angel, to save us from our own ignorance, misfortune and torture.
It’s funny, as much as there are elements in this world of ours that believe in “White Domination”, such as the KKK, all the US presidents except Thomas Jefferson weren’t pure white... An oxymoron right?
So now a biracial man with roots in two 3rd world countries, of humble upbringing, part Muslim, ends up the leader of the “Free World”. If ever the “American Dream” has ever come close to being fulfilled, well that was today.
America needed someone who has seen poverty, lived in it, risen above it, for him/her, to actually know how to approach and deal with it.
I as an African, am ecstatic, to say the least! Especially since, American foreign policy in regard to Africa, has been, “If you let our companies provide this for you, then we’ll give you grants to fight HIV/AIDS...” which I don’t even need to describe how unethical that is!!!
What happened to the times when the US would be known only to support nations that are committed to democracy? Just as my boy told me yesterday, the past 8 years have the epitome of the US’s “Hypocrisy of Democracy”.
I can only hope, “Our Son”, will not follow suite. The US, needs that change. But as he said, he will provide the environment for change. In the end, it’s up to every individual to bring the change they want in their life.
But one thing he already has achieved is giving the world hope. I mean, who ever knew a black man could beat a white supremacist party (yeah, that’s what I think about the Republican Party), in a country with 80% white dominance?
But don’t get me wrong, that’s not what I think about Senator John Mc Cain. I saw a documentary that actually answered ever single possible question I could have to both candidates. Too bad it was aired in Kenya and not where it was needed.
I actually really gained a lot of respect for Mc Cain. He isn’t the person media houses where pushing him to be. To a certain extent, I think if Hillary Clinton was the Republican candidate and Mc Cain, Obama’s opponent on the Democratic ticket, well, Obama wouldn’t have won.
Truth be told, George W. Bush (both of them) fucked up the US so badly, that it really didn’t matter who was running after them, the masses just wanted a Democrat.
Therefore, the real fight would have been during the primaries. And I can assure you, Mc Cain would’ve won... I have mad love for President Barrack Hussein Obama, but honestly, he wouldn’t have stood a chance. Real talk.
To watch the whole clip, follow this link... Martin Luther King
Militant out.
“Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” Martin Luther King.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Is Man The New Woman?

Asalam aleykum, my brother and sisters.
I don't know if you've noticed, but lately, alot of women are taking high power positions, all over the country. From Martha Karua wanting to run for President in 2012, Prof. Wangari Maathai wining a Nobel Peace Prize (Note: Kibaki & Raila didn't win, maybe because the whole thing was their fault...? I'm just sayin...) and so on.
Seriously, these days, every 5th car you see is being driven by a woman. So unless ther is a female driver boom in Nairobi, i think it would be safe to assume that women are becoming very successful.
No longer, will you find a woman, waiting for her man to come home. These days, it's the men that are doing the waiting. Imagine a man, waiting for his wife to come home from work, then asks her for money...
Note i am not a chauvinist. I actually believe in equality, but not in the way you're probably thinking. Equality, as in the man provides, while the wife takes care of the family.
You know, speaking as a person who's grown up in a single parent home... Okay my dad was/is there sometimes, but he's more like the guys who come for security money every month...
Women are truly turing out to be more successful than men. Despite all the hurdles. In the mean time, what are we men doing? Getting drunk, sleeping around... Not that i'm complaining, i love drinking, though i'm cutting back, and i love strong, dominant women. I'm a mama's boy, so i seriously don't see myself kicking it with some lazy ass chic... Real talk.
Militant out.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Women & Women's Rights
“Now I ain’t trying to be the greatest/I used to hate hip-hop/Yup, because the women degraded/But Too Short made me laugh/Like a hypocrite I played it/A hypocrite I stated though I only recited half/Omitting the word bitch/Cursing I would never say it/I mean a dog couldn’t relate/To the bitch I dated/Forgive my favourite word for hers and hers alike/But I heard it from a song I heard and sort’a liked...”. Lupe Fiasco – Hurt Me Soul
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Well, I recently, I have been listening to a lot of arguments about women and women’s rights. As is the status quo, it’s fashionable to call women all sorts of names... My motto is that, you shouldn’t call a woman something you wouldn’t say to your own mother. Because, whoever you’re saying it to could be someone’s sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin...
But then again, I’m tired of women always playing the blame card. Every third woman you meet, will tell you the reason she wasn’t able to accomplish whatever, was because she’s a woman or because she was sexually harassed or whatever.
Note, I’m not belittling these allegations. I’m just saying, they aren’t always true. There may be just be situations which have been blown out of proportion. But then again, it may be true, because I actually know women who have experienced all sorts of discrimination.
What I’m trying to say is that women have been chasing empowerment for generations, but aren’t really doing anything about it. It’s one thing to complain about something, it’s another to actually do something about it.
Yeah, most men are chauvinist pigs, but come on. How long can you blame someone else for you not utilising your potential? What about all those women who have become very accomplished in men-dominated fields? From the first woman doctor, to the first woman member of parliament, they knew their disadvantages being female, but still came out on to.
So seriously, all this crap about being the weaker sex doesn’t have as much influence as it did back in the day. Funny thing is that, Uganda holds the record of the largest number of women MPs in Africa, and yet some other idiot banned mini skirts the other day.
Women today face the same discrimination as Blacks, Albinos, Dwarfs and any other group of people not recognised by the white world as ‘normal’. So quit whining and do something!
“Life’s a bitch, and the nigga pimping got it”. Lupe Fiasco.
Militant out.
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Well, I recently, I have been listening to a lot of arguments about women and women’s rights. As is the status quo, it’s fashionable to call women all sorts of names... My motto is that, you shouldn’t call a woman something you wouldn’t say to your own mother. Because, whoever you’re saying it to could be someone’s sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin...
But then again, I’m tired of women always playing the blame card. Every third woman you meet, will tell you the reason she wasn’t able to accomplish whatever, was because she’s a woman or because she was sexually harassed or whatever.
Note, I’m not belittling these allegations. I’m just saying, they aren’t always true. There may be just be situations which have been blown out of proportion. But then again, it may be true, because I actually know women who have experienced all sorts of discrimination.
What I’m trying to say is that women have been chasing empowerment for generations, but aren’t really doing anything about it. It’s one thing to complain about something, it’s another to actually do something about it.
Yeah, most men are chauvinist pigs, but come on. How long can you blame someone else for you not utilising your potential? What about all those women who have become very accomplished in men-dominated fields? From the first woman doctor, to the first woman member of parliament, they knew their disadvantages being female, but still came out on to.
So seriously, all this crap about being the weaker sex doesn’t have as much influence as it did back in the day. Funny thing is that, Uganda holds the record of the largest number of women MPs in Africa, and yet some other idiot banned mini skirts the other day.
Women today face the same discrimination as Blacks, Albinos, Dwarfs and any other group of people not recognised by the white world as ‘normal’. So quit whining and do something!
“Life’s a bitch, and the nigga pimping got it”. Lupe Fiasco.
Militant out.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
As you may have recently realised, too many people are dying. Given, they are going back to our Father, but that doesn't make the transition any easier. So i dedicate this blog to all those who've lost a loved one... Feel free to write your RIPs.
Militant out.
As you may have recently realised, too many people are dying. Given, they are going back to our Father, but that doesn't make the transition any easier. So i dedicate this blog to all those who've lost a loved one... Feel free to write your RIPs.
Militant out.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Easy Cash Project
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) have taken over from exchanging hard cash and cheques, which still remain the main sources of exchanging of money. Recently, mobile phone operator, Safaricom, made advancements in EFT by creation of the service M-PESA. As the first of its kind in the world, this is a service that allows any registered Safaricom subscriber to send and receive money, directly from their cellular phones. This has proved to be both convenient and profitable.
Statement of the Problem
Although M-PESA is available to a wide range of clients, the services offered are limited and it is not able to reach everyone. Considering the number of other services that could be offered other than just sending and receiving money, and buying airtime.
Currently there are two other mobile service providers, namely Celtel Kenya and Telkom. Clients who use these services are locked out of the use of M-PESA.
Existing Systems
Current methods of payment apart from M-PESA include bank transfers, credit and debit cards. All of which are limited to particular people, and according to their income. Credit cards on the other hand have been perceived as a preserve for the wealthy, due to the stringent requirements one has to go through to acquire one.
Easy Cash (e-Cash), proposes to be an extension of the current M-PESA service, guaranteed to put Kenya on the map.
e-Cash will have the following features:
a)Enables transfer of funds between registered mobile subscribers, no matter what operator they use.
b)Serve as a ‘mobile bank’ so to speak, and enable its clients to even pay bills such as restaurants, power, water, etc. just through the touch of a button.
c)In partnership with international money transfer services such as Western Union and Money Gram, have the potential for a client in Atlanta Georgia, USA to send a few dollars from his/her local Western Union to his/her grandmother’s mobile phone in Kisii or Kisumu, with the option of local or foreign currency.
d)Eliminate those annoying lines in banks. Just simply go to any e-Cash agent, deposit the money into your e-Cash account and send it directly to your bank account. There is also the possibility of accepting banker’s cheque too.
e)Inherit all the basic features of M-PESA, such as buying of airtime, and add on a few more that make it basically irresistible.
f)Serve as a 24 hour borderless bank, by using existing Western Union or Money Gram networks all over the globe.
g)Faster cheque processing (banker’s cheques only) than most banks.
h)Instantaneous transfer of money globally.
i)Safer mode of money transfer than credit cards.
How to Bring it into Operation
Safaricom were able to embed a menu into their SIM cards that allowed their clients to utilise this service. This could create quite an expense, in terms replacing all the subscriber’s SIM cards and issuing new ones.
Instead, we approach this from a different angle. On one hand, all new SIM cards could come equipped with the new e-Cash menu. On the other hand, clients who have cellular phones which can connect to the internet, can download the menu directly to their handsets for free, from their operator’s websites.
A central management system, will be put up to control the network, act as a database to hold all the clients’ accounts and connect to various mobile service providers, banks and money transfer companies.
Possible Risks and Limitations
A number of threats exist to this concept, that is:
a)Loss of funds due to the system being hacked or collapsing.
b)Loss of the client’s funds due to him/her sharing the secret code or PIN number.
c)Access to a client’s bank account could lead to misuse of confidential information.
Estimated Budget
The cost of developing such an expert system which will be able to intergrate with the banks’ systems, the mobile operators’ systems and the money transfer agents’ systems could fall around the area of about 10 million
This however does not including the cost of developing the menus to be embedded in the SIM cards and the menus for download, which have to be custom made for each model of mobile phone.
We could be looking at a total cost of approximately 20 million shillings.
Militant out.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT) have taken over from exchanging hard cash and cheques, which still remain the main sources of exchanging of money. Recently, mobile phone operator, Safaricom, made advancements in EFT by creation of the service M-PESA. As the first of its kind in the world, this is a service that allows any registered Safaricom subscriber to send and receive money, directly from their cellular phones. This has proved to be both convenient and profitable.
Statement of the Problem
Although M-PESA is available to a wide range of clients, the services offered are limited and it is not able to reach everyone. Considering the number of other services that could be offered other than just sending and receiving money, and buying airtime.
Currently there are two other mobile service providers, namely Celtel Kenya and Telkom. Clients who use these services are locked out of the use of M-PESA.
Existing Systems
Current methods of payment apart from M-PESA include bank transfers, credit and debit cards. All of which are limited to particular people, and according to their income. Credit cards on the other hand have been perceived as a preserve for the wealthy, due to the stringent requirements one has to go through to acquire one.
Easy Cash (e-Cash), proposes to be an extension of the current M-PESA service, guaranteed to put Kenya on the map.
e-Cash will have the following features:
a)Enables transfer of funds between registered mobile subscribers, no matter what operator they use.
b)Serve as a ‘mobile bank’ so to speak, and enable its clients to even pay bills such as restaurants, power, water, etc. just through the touch of a button.
c)In partnership with international money transfer services such as Western Union and Money Gram, have the potential for a client in Atlanta Georgia, USA to send a few dollars from his/her local Western Union to his/her grandmother’s mobile phone in Kisii or Kisumu, with the option of local or foreign currency.
d)Eliminate those annoying lines in banks. Just simply go to any e-Cash agent, deposit the money into your e-Cash account and send it directly to your bank account. There is also the possibility of accepting banker’s cheque too.
e)Inherit all the basic features of M-PESA, such as buying of airtime, and add on a few more that make it basically irresistible.
f)Serve as a 24 hour borderless bank, by using existing Western Union or Money Gram networks all over the globe.
g)Faster cheque processing (banker’s cheques only) than most banks.
h)Instantaneous transfer of money globally.
i)Safer mode of money transfer than credit cards.
How to Bring it into Operation
Safaricom were able to embed a menu into their SIM cards that allowed their clients to utilise this service. This could create quite an expense, in terms replacing all the subscriber’s SIM cards and issuing new ones.
Instead, we approach this from a different angle. On one hand, all new SIM cards could come equipped with the new e-Cash menu. On the other hand, clients who have cellular phones which can connect to the internet, can download the menu directly to their handsets for free, from their operator’s websites.
A central management system, will be put up to control the network, act as a database to hold all the clients’ accounts and connect to various mobile service providers, banks and money transfer companies.
Possible Risks and Limitations
A number of threats exist to this concept, that is:
a)Loss of funds due to the system being hacked or collapsing.
b)Loss of the client’s funds due to him/her sharing the secret code or PIN number.
c)Access to a client’s bank account could lead to misuse of confidential information.
Estimated Budget
The cost of developing such an expert system which will be able to intergrate with the banks’ systems, the mobile operators’ systems and the money transfer agents’ systems could fall around the area of about 10 million
This however does not including the cost of developing the menus to be embedded in the SIM cards and the menus for download, which have to be custom made for each model of mobile phone.
We could be looking at a total cost of approximately 20 million shillings.
Militant out.
The Story Of Militant: Part 1
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Well, it seems like unless i explain to you how this formerly innocent altar boy ended up here, you won't understand where i'm from plus there'a some stuff i would like to get off my chest.
First of all, i'm the fourth born of a family of five, and if you know anything about large families, then you know i've had to hustle for everything i have and own. Shit, till now new stuff still jazzes me 'coz i'm not used to buying or being bought for stuff, it's been hand me down's after hand me down's...
I'm very spiritual, when i was a kid, i believe i used to talk to God almost everyday. I know what you're thinking, seriously, there are things i've been through that should have killed me, and yet here i am pissing off the government...
So anyway, some assholes say i converted to Islam because of this girl i met. Well, all i can diplomatically say is that, she may have played a role, but it wasn't so i could get into her pant... Seriously, who's that lame????
Anyway, she gave me a Quran one day, i felt like it was what my life was missing, and i guess as they say, the rest is history.
Guess what, a few days after i took my Shahada, she told me that Muslims who sin alot have an opportunity to redem themselves by introducing someone else to the religion, kinda like those piramid schemes! WTF!!!
Needless to say her and I didn't exactly work out. But hey, it was the perfect "divorce", i got to keep our child, Islam.
So anyway, i isn't hard to tell, i am a very troubled soul. But hey, we all have our skeletons, right?
I don't like attention, contrary to popular belief, despite being that everytime i decide to voice my opinion, people shut the fuck up! What can i say... But everyone around me has attention issues, and when i say everyone, i mean everyone! Yeah, you too!
I prefer to hang in the background and play the strings, but i do not manipulate people. See, when you take a drunk out of a bar and give him a Quran, he'll look at it, promise to read it, eventually.
I did. For a while, it did work out for me, till this girl decides to start making certain requests that when exactly against my new found lifestyle... So i can't say it's totally my fault that i backslid
Okay, i think i'm telling y'all too much...
Militant out.
Well, it seems like unless i explain to you how this formerly innocent altar boy ended up here, you won't understand where i'm from plus there'a some stuff i would like to get off my chest.
First of all, i'm the fourth born of a family of five, and if you know anything about large families, then you know i've had to hustle for everything i have and own. Shit, till now new stuff still jazzes me 'coz i'm not used to buying or being bought for stuff, it's been hand me down's after hand me down's...
I'm very spiritual, when i was a kid, i believe i used to talk to God almost everyday. I know what you're thinking, seriously, there are things i've been through that should have killed me, and yet here i am pissing off the government...
So anyway, some assholes say i converted to Islam because of this girl i met. Well, all i can diplomatically say is that, she may have played a role, but it wasn't so i could get into her pant... Seriously, who's that lame????
Anyway, she gave me a Quran one day, i felt like it was what my life was missing, and i guess as they say, the rest is history.
Guess what, a few days after i took my Shahada, she told me that Muslims who sin alot have an opportunity to redem themselves by introducing someone else to the religion, kinda like those piramid schemes! WTF!!!
Needless to say her and I didn't exactly work out. But hey, it was the perfect "divorce", i got to keep our child, Islam.
So anyway, i isn't hard to tell, i am a very troubled soul. But hey, we all have our skeletons, right?
I don't like attention, contrary to popular belief, despite being that everytime i decide to voice my opinion, people shut the fuck up! What can i say... But everyone around me has attention issues, and when i say everyone, i mean everyone! Yeah, you too!
I prefer to hang in the background and play the strings, but i do not manipulate people. See, when you take a drunk out of a bar and give him a Quran, he'll look at it, promise to read it, eventually.
I did. For a while, it did work out for me, till this girl decides to start making certain requests that when exactly against my new found lifestyle... So i can't say it's totally my fault that i backslid
Okay, i think i'm telling y'all too much...
Militant out.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
10 Years On
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
First of all, let’s have a moment of silence for all those who perished during the August 7, 1998 bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salam.
Secondly, if you were wondering why us, poor little Kenyans, well, August 7 1998, marked the 8th anniversary of American soldiers landing in Saudia Arabia. Remember the early 90s movie with Ice Cube, he was a marine or something... Yeah!
Screw these selfish ass, bastards that call themselves Congress!!! Do you know that the Kenyan Government for the past 10 years has been trying to get the American Government to pay victims for their personal injuries and hospital bills, but the Congress has refused each and every time.
Well, I can’t say I believe that statement 100%, but there is some truth behind it. But I can’t still believe that these people would be so self-centred, cold and such assholes, as to refuse to compensate these poor victims, who btw, were place in harm’s way because of them in the first place!!!
It’s like I’m Uchumi, then some jerk-off decides to open a Barclays Branch in my shopping mall. Then there is a robbery where people inside the Branch and the shopping mall get injured and some lose their lives. Honestly, as much as Barclays is full of douches (no offense if any of my readers are employees of Barclays, I just have issues, they trying to rob me!!!), they wouldn’t pull a fast one like that.
Screw these bastards! No I wish I were President. Now would tell Ambassador Rannenburger to move the embassy to North Eastern and if some Somali dude wants to bomb it, that isn’t my business!!!
Militant out.
First of all, let’s have a moment of silence for all those who perished during the August 7, 1998 bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salam.
Secondly, if you were wondering why us, poor little Kenyans, well, August 7 1998, marked the 8th anniversary of American soldiers landing in Saudia Arabia. Remember the early 90s movie with Ice Cube, he was a marine or something... Yeah!
Screw these selfish ass, bastards that call themselves Congress!!! Do you know that the Kenyan Government for the past 10 years has been trying to get the American Government to pay victims for their personal injuries and hospital bills, but the Congress has refused each and every time.
Well, I can’t say I believe that statement 100%, but there is some truth behind it. But I can’t still believe that these people would be so self-centred, cold and such assholes, as to refuse to compensate these poor victims, who btw, were place in harm’s way because of them in the first place!!!
It’s like I’m Uchumi, then some jerk-off decides to open a Barclays Branch in my shopping mall. Then there is a robbery where people inside the Branch and the shopping mall get injured and some lose their lives. Honestly, as much as Barclays is full of douches (no offense if any of my readers are employees of Barclays, I just have issues, they trying to rob me!!!), they wouldn’t pull a fast one like that.
Screw these bastards! No I wish I were President. Now would tell Ambassador Rannenburger to move the embassy to North Eastern and if some Somali dude wants to bomb it, that isn’t my business!!!
Militant out.
Asalam aleykum, my brother and sisters.
Do you wonder what your destiny could be? If there is a grand plan that you are part of? For centuries, man has been fascinated by the stars. Wondering what could be out there.
You know, there are people who every morning, look at their stars, hoping to get a heads up on what their day will be like. Others just shrug it off as just some person trying to make ends meet by selling dreams to people who are desperate to hear them.
But just maybe, what if there’s some truth behind it? For centuries, many great minds have been fascinated by the starry sky. From Nostradamus, to the “primitive” Mayan people of Central America, they all were or claimed, to be able to make predictions based on alignment of the stars.
As for myself, well, I won’t shrug off some of their findings, neither am I 100% that they are true. But one thing I do know is that our destiny is great. Each and every single one human being on this planet has a part to play in the greater plan, destiny.
So I’m not going to give up, till I fulfil mine. I hope you don’t give up on yours.
Militant out.
Do you wonder what your destiny could be? If there is a grand plan that you are part of? For centuries, man has been fascinated by the stars. Wondering what could be out there.
You know, there are people who every morning, look at their stars, hoping to get a heads up on what their day will be like. Others just shrug it off as just some person trying to make ends meet by selling dreams to people who are desperate to hear them.
But just maybe, what if there’s some truth behind it? For centuries, many great minds have been fascinated by the starry sky. From Nostradamus, to the “primitive” Mayan people of Central America, they all were or claimed, to be able to make predictions based on alignment of the stars.
As for myself, well, I won’t shrug off some of their findings, neither am I 100% that they are true. But one thing I do know is that our destiny is great. Each and every single one human being on this planet has a part to play in the greater plan, destiny.
So I’m not going to give up, till I fulfil mine. I hope you don’t give up on yours.
Militant out.
Do The Stereotypes Define Us?
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Have you ever noticed in almost all movies and series out there, the hero or heroine of the story always has some interesting issue? From having a very troubled childhood, maybe being bullied as a kid, having some terminal disease, or being an orphan.
Then there’s the other angle of the hero or heroine, never being able to hook up with the person they “love”. From Spiderman to Batman, from Smallville to The Matrix, all the heroes in these stories had to almost sacrifice their life to be with the one they love.
Are we seriously that desperate to believe in love that we actually create all these impossible situations to satisfy our fantasy for the perfect love?
Must we believe that love is such an illusive experience, that we must suffer a hero’s fate to find it? Must we choose between life and death, or even sacrifice our destiny for love?
Must is be so hard to love? When’s the last time you saw a movie, where the hero was just some ordinary kid with extraordinary talent? Maybe one who already had a beautiful girlfriend, or let’s even push the envelope and say he’s gay.
Would that make his efforts less acceptable? Would it make all the good that he does null? I say screw the stereotypes. I want to meet an intelligent blonde, a white guy who won’t be scared to live in a predominantly black neighbourhood. An “African American” who has never been to prison. How about a tall Chinese person?
Do these stereotypes define us?
Militant out.
Have you ever noticed in almost all movies and series out there, the hero or heroine of the story always has some interesting issue? From having a very troubled childhood, maybe being bullied as a kid, having some terminal disease, or being an orphan.
Then there’s the other angle of the hero or heroine, never being able to hook up with the person they “love”. From Spiderman to Batman, from Smallville to The Matrix, all the heroes in these stories had to almost sacrifice their life to be with the one they love.
Are we seriously that desperate to believe in love that we actually create all these impossible situations to satisfy our fantasy for the perfect love?
Must we believe that love is such an illusive experience, that we must suffer a hero’s fate to find it? Must we choose between life and death, or even sacrifice our destiny for love?
Must is be so hard to love? When’s the last time you saw a movie, where the hero was just some ordinary kid with extraordinary talent? Maybe one who already had a beautiful girlfriend, or let’s even push the envelope and say he’s gay.
Would that make his efforts less acceptable? Would it make all the good that he does null? I say screw the stereotypes. I want to meet an intelligent blonde, a white guy who won’t be scared to live in a predominantly black neighbourhood. An “African American” who has never been to prison. How about a tall Chinese person?
Do these stereotypes define us?
Militant out.
What's Right and What's Wrong
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
I was watching this movie that just came out, with Katt Williams, Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan just to mention a few. Basically, Ice Cube has to try and stop his son from moving to another state with his baby mother since, apparently, ex-convicts can’t travel out of the state or something like that.
Anyway, it got me thinking. When do you say someone’s crossed the line? A man who robs a store to feed his starving family, and a man who robs the same store to enrich himself, in the eyes of the law, is there a right or a wrong?
A few years back, there was an article in the paper, where an elderly man was convicted for robbery with violence, for stealing his neighbours chicken. So you know, in Kenya such a sentence earns you the death penalty. Despite there not being any official killings since the 1982 coup.
Personally, I don’t think the judge morally should have passed that judgment. I believe he should have been judged based on intention and not act alone. We can’t view the world in black and white; there are a lot of grey areas.
Would you blame me for crawling into your house and stealing your money, if I had family to feed? What’s if I did it to enrich myself? Think about it…
Militant out.
I was watching this movie that just came out, with Katt Williams, Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan just to mention a few. Basically, Ice Cube has to try and stop his son from moving to another state with his baby mother since, apparently, ex-convicts can’t travel out of the state or something like that.
Anyway, it got me thinking. When do you say someone’s crossed the line? A man who robs a store to feed his starving family, and a man who robs the same store to enrich himself, in the eyes of the law, is there a right or a wrong?
A few years back, there was an article in the paper, where an elderly man was convicted for robbery with violence, for stealing his neighbours chicken. So you know, in Kenya such a sentence earns you the death penalty. Despite there not being any official killings since the 1982 coup.
Personally, I don’t think the judge morally should have passed that judgment. I believe he should have been judged based on intention and not act alone. We can’t view the world in black and white; there are a lot of grey areas.
Would you blame me for crawling into your house and stealing your money, if I had family to feed? What’s if I did it to enrich myself? Think about it…
Militant out.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Commando In Nairobi
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
It's been a weird couple of days. Yesterday i decided to be adventureous and went to town commando. For those who don't know what this means, it's when you don't wear any underwear/boxers/male or female thong's, whatever turns you on...
It's quite a fuilfilling feeling... So free, the passing breeze going between you legs, gently stroking your balls... It's a great feeling. Till that cold breeze crosses your butt crack... You suddenly get this feeling like someone has been all this time staring at your butt crack. A habit i have attained... What can i say? There's something amazing about a woman's butt crack.
So anyway, the worst thing is when your sitting there, free willy, then this fine ass girl sits right next to you, wearing this low cut top (note: these tops don't make any sense, they only cover the nipples, so why not just walk around topless? Our ancestors did...), a short skirt with a slit till an inch away from her waist, and fuck her shoes, i din't get all the way down there...
NOTE: This did not happen, i'm just giving you a situation... Yeah, i have a very interesting imagination...
Anyway, this is the only time you'll say anything positive about Kenyan roads... We hit some serious pothole, the bus naturally jumps in the air, now this part, it like time slow down...
Her tits, due to Newton's Second Law of Motion: A body at rest or in motion, stays at rest or in motion, until an external force acts upon it. In other words, inertia...
There in the air, shake alittle, then come down gracefully. Now i don't care you could be the pope himself, every straight man will immediately get turned on by this! Except the gay guys, and i wasn't talking to y'all, i'll get to you later.
Shit, i think i'll just end it right here.
Militant out.
It's been a weird couple of days. Yesterday i decided to be adventureous and went to town commando. For those who don't know what this means, it's when you don't wear any underwear/boxers/male or female thong's, whatever turns you on...
It's quite a fuilfilling feeling... So free, the passing breeze going between you legs, gently stroking your balls... It's a great feeling. Till that cold breeze crosses your butt crack... You suddenly get this feeling like someone has been all this time staring at your butt crack. A habit i have attained... What can i say? There's something amazing about a woman's butt crack.
So anyway, the worst thing is when your sitting there, free willy, then this fine ass girl sits right next to you, wearing this low cut top (note: these tops don't make any sense, they only cover the nipples, so why not just walk around topless? Our ancestors did...), a short skirt with a slit till an inch away from her waist, and fuck her shoes, i din't get all the way down there...
NOTE: This did not happen, i'm just giving you a situation... Yeah, i have a very interesting imagination...
Anyway, this is the only time you'll say anything positive about Kenyan roads... We hit some serious pothole, the bus naturally jumps in the air, now this part, it like time slow down...
Her tits, due to Newton's Second Law of Motion: A body at rest or in motion, stays at rest or in motion, until an external force acts upon it. In other words, inertia...
There in the air, shake alittle, then come down gracefully. Now i don't care you could be the pope himself, every straight man will immediately get turned on by this! Except the gay guys, and i wasn't talking to y'all, i'll get to you later.
Shit, i think i'll just end it right here.
Militant out.
The Inverse Crab Effect
Asalam aleykum, my brother and sisters.
I guess most of you have been paying attention to recent events. Apparently, our Finance Minister, Mr. Amos Kimunya, is under investigations for corruptly disposing of the Grand Regency Hotel.
Now, I was avoiding this issue because I don’t have all the facts, but, I will say this, this is the best situation to explain the inverse crab effect. This is when one person gets caught doing something, then starts dragging other people trying to save his/her own ass.
Now when Mr. Kimunya got caught with his pants down trying to make a quick buck, he started implicating other politicians, such as the Prime Minister, Mr. Raila Odinga, the Attorney General, Mr. Amos Wako and the whistle blower himself, Lands Minister James Orengo.
According to him, the named above were in full knowledge and agreement of the sale of the hotel, and therefore he did not do anything wrong, or rather if the deal was bad, it is not his fault.
In their defence, the implicated say they had nothing to do with the corrupt deal. A defence which the Prime Minister has now changed to be that he did not have enough information about the deal and had then forwarded it to the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC) chairman, Aaron Ringera.
Now is it just me, or is everyone suddenly flipping their stories? To make matters worse, the Prime Minister’s own brother is the Assistant Finance Minister. Personally, I don’t know how these little corrupt deals occur but, I think it would be hard for a whole Assistant Minister to claim not having any knowledge about it...
But then again, I was speaking to my lawyer pal, and he argues that the Finance
Minister did nothing wrong. The Government did not own the hotel, but were holding it as collateral against a loan that a Pan African Bank had borrowed but could not pay for. Therefore, the Government was justified for selling it at whatever price as long as they recovered the principal of the loan.
This whole story has become too complicated for me to follow. All I know is that these jackasses for politicians we have are only riding the Finance Minister’s ass because in this year’s budget, he introduced taxes on all politicians' salaries.
He would have had the backing of the rest of the ordinary citizens, but in addition to new taxes, he also increased the taxes on all alcohols. Personally, that’s enough reason for me to want him fired... I’m just saying...
Militant out.
I guess most of you have been paying attention to recent events. Apparently, our Finance Minister, Mr. Amos Kimunya, is under investigations for corruptly disposing of the Grand Regency Hotel.
Now, I was avoiding this issue because I don’t have all the facts, but, I will say this, this is the best situation to explain the inverse crab effect. This is when one person gets caught doing something, then starts dragging other people trying to save his/her own ass.
Now when Mr. Kimunya got caught with his pants down trying to make a quick buck, he started implicating other politicians, such as the Prime Minister, Mr. Raila Odinga, the Attorney General, Mr. Amos Wako and the whistle blower himself, Lands Minister James Orengo.
According to him, the named above were in full knowledge and agreement of the sale of the hotel, and therefore he did not do anything wrong, or rather if the deal was bad, it is not his fault.
In their defence, the implicated say they had nothing to do with the corrupt deal. A defence which the Prime Minister has now changed to be that he did not have enough information about the deal and had then forwarded it to the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC) chairman, Aaron Ringera.
Now is it just me, or is everyone suddenly flipping their stories? To make matters worse, the Prime Minister’s own brother is the Assistant Finance Minister. Personally, I don’t know how these little corrupt deals occur but, I think it would be hard for a whole Assistant Minister to claim not having any knowledge about it...
But then again, I was speaking to my lawyer pal, and he argues that the Finance
Minister did nothing wrong. The Government did not own the hotel, but were holding it as collateral against a loan that a Pan African Bank had borrowed but could not pay for. Therefore, the Government was justified for selling it at whatever price as long as they recovered the principal of the loan.
This whole story has become too complicated for me to follow. All I know is that these jackasses for politicians we have are only riding the Finance Minister’s ass because in this year’s budget, he introduced taxes on all politicians' salaries.
He would have had the backing of the rest of the ordinary citizens, but in addition to new taxes, he also increased the taxes on all alcohols. Personally, that’s enough reason for me to want him fired... I’m just saying...
Militant out.
Who’s To Blame?
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
Awhile ago, in class, my lecturer decided to digress a little and argue why the new dress code on campus is justified. Knowing me, militant, I have an obligation to fight the system. So he asked me if I would hire a dude in dreadlocks, I said depends on the job, if its radio, nobody gets to see your face so it wouldn’t matter and anyway, having a few nutty dreads never hurt nobody...
So the dude mentions how the dress code thing came to be. Apparently on her way home one afternoon, a student was almost raped in broad daylight. Luckily, the same lecturer rushed to her rescue. He went ahead to say, that 90% of the time, it’s the woman’s fault.
That men in certain situations are basically not to blame for what they end up doing. Well, to use this as an argument would be an insult to everyone. That would mean, that men could get away with practically anything and blame is on someone else.
Personally, I do not support this school of thought. I think we are all responsible for our own actions no matter what the situation is! The moment we start justifying our actions by the environment, will be the moment we loose our intelligence as human beings.
Militant out.
Awhile ago, in class, my lecturer decided to digress a little and argue why the new dress code on campus is justified. Knowing me, militant, I have an obligation to fight the system. So he asked me if I would hire a dude in dreadlocks, I said depends on the job, if its radio, nobody gets to see your face so it wouldn’t matter and anyway, having a few nutty dreads never hurt nobody...
So the dude mentions how the dress code thing came to be. Apparently on her way home one afternoon, a student was almost raped in broad daylight. Luckily, the same lecturer rushed to her rescue. He went ahead to say, that 90% of the time, it’s the woman’s fault.
That men in certain situations are basically not to blame for what they end up doing. Well, to use this as an argument would be an insult to everyone. That would mean, that men could get away with practically anything and blame is on someone else.
Personally, I do not support this school of thought. I think we are all responsible for our own actions no matter what the situation is! The moment we start justifying our actions by the environment, will be the moment we loose our intelligence as human beings.
Militant out.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
So Kelly Rowland was in the country last week. Apparently she's so hot, that she left a cocky local radio presenter, Fareed Khimani, speechless. So now thanks to just jerk off, she now thinks Kenyan men are a bunch of bitch niggas.
But that's beside the point of this post. She was in the country to promote the use of condoms to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Africa. First of all, most people are getting infected, not because guys don't know how to use condoms...
The cheapest available, Trust costs 10 shillings, note that there are those who support their families on 100 shillings a day.
Think about it, where our bro over here lives, he can get a hoe for 20 shillings. So his daily cost of sexual gratification comes to 30 shillings a lay, not to mention some very illicit local brew he just drank, which could probably leave him blind.
Believe me with the state of poverty in the country, niggas would be buying secondhand condoms if they could.
I've personally heard stories of a dude who used the plastic wrapper from a loaf of bread (Akidah - remember it?), but i think that was just some stupid guy looking for airtime.
And anyway, we all know it feels much better without one...
But i do not condone loose fucking without a rubber, don't be stupid! There's AIDS out there...
Militant out.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Bad Santa
Asalam aleykum, my brother and sisters.
See, there are perks with being Kenyan. Lemme explain. There's this dude, who works for Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC), Bad Santa, who sits on some pole with a huge switch. Whenever he felt someone doing something suspect, he would turn off your lights. Just like a "Santa", he would punish you if were a bad boy/girl/whatever.
So, I was reminiscing about the times when we tapes, also known as Cassettes, were the prime movie source. So there was this time, i just discovered porn, so i was chillin' then suddenly, the lights went out.
Shit, do you know how much beef i would be in, if my parents came home from work and found Wesley Pipes & Mary Hoe-kins bang'n on the screen.
I'm tellin' you, seriously, Bad Santa was such a cockblocker or in this case, joy taker. Back then things were really thick, so when tapes would get dirty, we would open them upm, spray my Dad's cologne on some cloth & wipe the video head. Yeah, we were so cheap we couldn't buy the tape cleaners. I'm from the hood nucca!
Anyway, due to my cheapness, i lived another day to enjoy my favourite pass time.
Militant out.
See, there are perks with being Kenyan. Lemme explain. There's this dude, who works for Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC), Bad Santa, who sits on some pole with a huge switch. Whenever he felt someone doing something suspect, he would turn off your lights. Just like a "Santa", he would punish you if were a bad boy/girl/whatever.
So, I was reminiscing about the times when we tapes, also known as Cassettes, were the prime movie source. So there was this time, i just discovered porn, so i was chillin' then suddenly, the lights went out.
Shit, do you know how much beef i would be in, if my parents came home from work and found Wesley Pipes & Mary Hoe-kins bang'n on the screen.
I'm tellin' you, seriously, Bad Santa was such a cockblocker or in this case, joy taker. Back then things were really thick, so when tapes would get dirty, we would open them upm, spray my Dad's cologne on some cloth & wipe the video head. Yeah, we were so cheap we couldn't buy the tape cleaners. I'm from the hood nucca!
Anyway, due to my cheapness, i lived another day to enjoy my favourite pass time.
Militant out.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Pregnant From Booze
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Now, see i'm a budding Muslim, so there are a few chinks here and there i need to fix, like my drinking.
But no matter how much i love the booze, this shit can't happen! This some bullshit! How do you get pregnant from booze? In my honest opinion, i don't think sperm is the secret ingredient in making beer!
While i'm at it, i would like to challenge any bitch ass German to a beerfest! It's a shame they say these fruits can drink! Stick to milk bitches!!!!
Militant out.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Accidents In Jamaica
The Aftermath
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
It's been a crazy couple of months. Especially for the Democrats in the States... I know, you have had enough of that bullshit. But seriously, think about it. So much shit has been thrown by supporters of both sides, that i'm afraid the Democrats no longer have the united front to beat the Republicans. I mean, for God's sake look at this photo... Do you seriously think that a person you were calling a lesbian afew months ago will be all too eager to stand by your side...
Words are like toothpaste. Once you take it out of the tube, you can't put it back.
Militant out.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Asalaam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
Dudes, today i was in this really stuff Cyber Cafe trying to write a new post, but the connection was so slow. So i did what every red blooded man does, start checking out the ladies around. Note: Due to the Facebook fever going round, there are alot at these joints...
So anyway, this really beautiful looking girl walks in. Looks around, checking for an empty computer... Now believe me this is all happening in slow motion. She had on this pink low cut top and blue jeans. So then she proceeds to turn her head and flick her hair back.
Suddenly, it was like i was at a party, then the DJ trying to cut a record, scratches the Vinyl with a loud screetch! DAMN, she had some mad horse hair on her head.
Now don't get me wrong, i am not a hater, but fake hair is a no no. Now when i try to remember her pretty face, all ui can think of is a her face being the horse's ass... Talk about anti-climax!
Seriously ladies, this horse hair thing has to stop. Thousands of years from now some archeaologist will find the remains of a woman and think they had four legs and were related to donkeys, because of the horse DNA on her head!!! DAMN
Militant out.
Dudes, today i was in this really stuff Cyber Cafe trying to write a new post, but the connection was so slow. So i did what every red blooded man does, start checking out the ladies around. Note: Due to the Facebook fever going round, there are alot at these joints...
So anyway, this really beautiful looking girl walks in. Looks around, checking for an empty computer... Now believe me this is all happening in slow motion. She had on this pink low cut top and blue jeans. So then she proceeds to turn her head and flick her hair back.
Suddenly, it was like i was at a party, then the DJ trying to cut a record, scratches the Vinyl with a loud screetch! DAMN, she had some mad horse hair on her head.
Now don't get me wrong, i am not a hater, but fake hair is a no no. Now when i try to remember her pretty face, all ui can think of is a her face being the horse's ass... Talk about anti-climax!
Seriously ladies, this horse hair thing has to stop. Thousands of years from now some archeaologist will find the remains of a woman and think they had four legs and were related to donkeys, because of the horse DNA on her head!!! DAMN
Militant out.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Double Standards
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
You know, the West must think us people from the 'Third World' (I call it citizens of raped countries), must be really dumb! The amount of double standards is just nothing short of pure 'What You Goin' Do' policy that especially the US have decided to use.
The period between Dec and Feb during Kenya's ugly post election violence, our parents, the US and UK, were quick to smack local politicians with threats of 'necessary force' to eliminate the violence and crimes against humanity that were occurring. Obviously, these dumb politicians got their acts together and both sides backed down, due to fear of a 'War In Kenya', although if I were one of them, i would call their bluff, there ain't no oil in Kenya, WTF would George Bush use as an excuss this time? Alcohol of Mass Destruction?
I don't know if you peps noticed but our black sheep, Zimbabwe, ended up in the same position. Robert Mugabe evidently has the biggest balls of all African leaders... That is ofcourse with exclusion of the crazy stupid nigga from the North, Col. Gadaffi.
Did you know this idiot actually wanted to declare war on Kenya at a certain time in history. Actually in 1992. Wish this motherfucker would try that shit now....
Militant out.
You know, the West must think us people from the 'Third World' (I call it citizens of raped countries), must be really dumb! The amount of double standards is just nothing short of pure 'What You Goin' Do' policy that especially the US have decided to use.
The period between Dec and Feb during Kenya's ugly post election violence, our parents, the US and UK, were quick to smack local politicians with threats of 'necessary force' to eliminate the violence and crimes against humanity that were occurring. Obviously, these dumb politicians got their acts together and both sides backed down, due to fear of a 'War In Kenya', although if I were one of them, i would call their bluff, there ain't no oil in Kenya, WTF would George Bush use as an excuss this time? Alcohol of Mass Destruction?
I don't know if you peps noticed but our black sheep, Zimbabwe, ended up in the same position. Robert Mugabe evidently has the biggest balls of all African leaders... That is ofcourse with exclusion of the crazy stupid nigga from the North, Col. Gadaffi.
Did you know this idiot actually wanted to declare war on Kenya at a certain time in history. Actually in 1992. Wish this motherfucker would try that shit now....
Militant out.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Day I Got The NSA to Read My Blog
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
Word up y’all. I realise this blog is still young, so I decided to get a few more views, I’ll give the wonderful spooks who work for the National Security Agency of the States, something to entertain their boring jobs, at which by the way usually end up leading to more deaths of innocent that captured criminals… But that’s a blog for another day.
Bomb bomb bomb, Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, revenge on America, infidels, September 11, Islam, jihad, kill Americans, nuclear weapons, atomic bomb, E = mc2…. Allahu Akbar, jihad, I hate the West, blah blah blah…
If I suddenly disappear, at least I spoke some truth before I was neutralised. Continue my work…
Militant out.
Word up y’all. I realise this blog is still young, so I decided to get a few more views, I’ll give the wonderful spooks who work for the National Security Agency of the States, something to entertain their boring jobs, at which by the way usually end up leading to more deaths of innocent that captured criminals… But that’s a blog for another day.
Bomb bomb bomb, Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, revenge on America, infidels, September 11, Islam, jihad, kill Americans, nuclear weapons, atomic bomb, E = mc2…. Allahu Akbar, jihad, I hate the West, blah blah blah…
If I suddenly disappear, at least I spoke some truth before I was neutralised. Continue my work…
Militant out.
"All Men Are Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others..."
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
Do you know what really pisses me off? The very nations that push for human rights globally are the same people who sit back and watch as women and children are raped and other sorts of violent acts performed to them. What about the thousands of Iraqis and Afghans who lose their lives everyday due to the West’s senseless war on ‘terror’?
Why should a super power fear a farmer from a village in Afghanistan? What weapons of mass destruction could he have? A staff?
Do they not have human rights?? Or are citizens of the third world and other nations lesser humans?
Why does the world cry when some blonde, blue eyed child suffers a grazed knee, but when some brown or black child barely living with bones sticking out of its abdomen, flies all around its mouth and a hawk waiting in the background to feast on this poor soul, why won’t you cry to that?
Instead, importance in the news is placed upon politicians indulging in obscene sexual acts, political slander being thrown from here to there, why the Prince of England chose to join the Royal Army, Paris Hilton’s sex tape!!!! My Lord, what is wrong with the world?
Militant out.
“Non cooperation with evil is a duty and British rule of India is evil.” Mahatma Gandhi
Do you know what really pisses me off? The very nations that push for human rights globally are the same people who sit back and watch as women and children are raped and other sorts of violent acts performed to them. What about the thousands of Iraqis and Afghans who lose their lives everyday due to the West’s senseless war on ‘terror’?
Why should a super power fear a farmer from a village in Afghanistan? What weapons of mass destruction could he have? A staff?
Do they not have human rights?? Or are citizens of the third world and other nations lesser humans?
Why does the world cry when some blonde, blue eyed child suffers a grazed knee, but when some brown or black child barely living with bones sticking out of its abdomen, flies all around its mouth and a hawk waiting in the background to feast on this poor soul, why won’t you cry to that?
Instead, importance in the news is placed upon politicians indulging in obscene sexual acts, political slander being thrown from here to there, why the Prince of England chose to join the Royal Army, Paris Hilton’s sex tape!!!! My Lord, what is wrong with the world?
Militant out.
“Non cooperation with evil is a duty and British rule of India is evil.” Mahatma Gandhi
Another Forgotten Legacy.... Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
I came across this wonderful documentary called Gandhi, based on Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi an Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution. His trials and tribulations revealed to me that even as a Kenyan, who has learned of the injustices thrust upon my people, that we are not alone. It seems like the British weren’t picky with their discrimination, the Indians were persecuted just as much as the Kenyans were. Maybe every other citizen of British colonies all over the world has suffered the same fate…
This is a man, who taught non violence. He believed in the Biblical phrase, if someone strikes one cheek, show him the other. This is a man of such strong will, faith and wisdom. He made me realise one thing, each man carries both extreme love and hate. After all his suffering he was killed by his own people, for pitiful and selfish reasons.
But still the arrogance of a community of people to invade another community then create laws to justify oppressing the subjects. Makes you wonder, do I blame the 10 year olds who pick up arms to fight the Americans (coalition my ass) in Afghanistan and Iraq? Neither do I blame the child soldiers in the SPLA who fight the Northern Sudan Forces to protect their mothers and sisters who are being raped and violated everyday.
I am not one who enjoys seeing the loss of life with every passing day of war all over the world, but I do have to say, if you came into my house threatening my family, I will tear you limb from limb and later hope that God will understand and forgive me…
Somehow, the stuff I write in this blog will hinder me from getting a Visa to anywhere… But as my Sensei Gandhi would say, let them fear the sword of truth.
Militant out.
“You may, if you like, cut us to pieces. You may shatter us at the canon's mouth. If you act contrary to our will we shall not help you and without our help, we know that you cannot move one step forward. It is likely that you will laugh at all this in the intoxication of your power.”
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
I came across this wonderful documentary called Gandhi, based on Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi an Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution. His trials and tribulations revealed to me that even as a Kenyan, who has learned of the injustices thrust upon my people, that we are not alone. It seems like the British weren’t picky with their discrimination, the Indians were persecuted just as much as the Kenyans were. Maybe every other citizen of British colonies all over the world has suffered the same fate…
This is a man, who taught non violence. He believed in the Biblical phrase, if someone strikes one cheek, show him the other. This is a man of such strong will, faith and wisdom. He made me realise one thing, each man carries both extreme love and hate. After all his suffering he was killed by his own people, for pitiful and selfish reasons.
But still the arrogance of a community of people to invade another community then create laws to justify oppressing the subjects. Makes you wonder, do I blame the 10 year olds who pick up arms to fight the Americans (coalition my ass) in Afghanistan and Iraq? Neither do I blame the child soldiers in the SPLA who fight the Northern Sudan Forces to protect their mothers and sisters who are being raped and violated everyday.
I am not one who enjoys seeing the loss of life with every passing day of war all over the world, but I do have to say, if you came into my house threatening my family, I will tear you limb from limb and later hope that God will understand and forgive me…
Somehow, the stuff I write in this blog will hinder me from getting a Visa to anywhere… But as my Sensei Gandhi would say, let them fear the sword of truth.
Militant out.
“You may, if you like, cut us to pieces. You may shatter us at the canon's mouth. If you act contrary to our will we shall not help you and without our help, we know that you cannot move one step forward. It is likely that you will laugh at all this in the intoxication of your power.”
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
February 21st passed without anyone saying a single thing in memory of, more famously known as Malcolm X. He was one of the greatest people to ever walk the planet. Some people say he was too radical, I say MLK was a dreamer with no real connection to reality. “While King was having a dream, the rest of us Negroes are having a nightmare."
Malcolm X rose from extreme ideas of a black revolution to being accommodative of other cultures and races. In other words, he went to hell and came back a changed man.
In contrast to his earlier views, he encouraged blacks to vote, to participate in the political system, and to work with each other and with sympathetic whites and Hispanics for an end to racial discrimination. As he told a group of African leaders, the problem of race was "not a Negro problem, nor an American problem. This is a world problem, a problem of humanity."
So I personally think that he isn’t given the much deserved honour in history. And so I dedicate this blog to him.
“Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American.”
Malcolm X (1925 - 1965)
Militant out.
February 21st passed without anyone saying a single thing in memory of, more famously known as Malcolm X. He was one of the greatest people to ever walk the planet. Some people say he was too radical, I say MLK was a dreamer with no real connection to reality. “While King was having a dream, the rest of us Negroes are having a nightmare."
Malcolm X rose from extreme ideas of a black revolution to being accommodative of other cultures and races. In other words, he went to hell and came back a changed man.
In contrast to his earlier views, he encouraged blacks to vote, to participate in the political system, and to work with each other and with sympathetic whites and Hispanics for an end to racial discrimination. As he told a group of African leaders, the problem of race was "not a Negro problem, nor an American problem. This is a world problem, a problem of humanity."
So I personally think that he isn’t given the much deserved honour in history. And so I dedicate this blog to him.
“Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American.”
Malcolm X (1925 - 1965)
Militant out.
Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.
I was watching this movie that just came out, with Katt Williams, Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan just to mention a few. Basically, Ice Cube has to try and stop his son from moving to another state with his baby mother since, apparently, ex-convicts can’t travel out of the state or something like that.
Anyway, it got me thinking. When do you say someone’s crossed the line? A man who robs a store to feed his starving family, and a man who robs the same store to enrich himself, in the eyes of the law, is there a right or a wrong?
A few years back, there was an article in the paper, where an elderly man was convicted for robbery with violence, for stealing his neighbours chicken. So you know, in Kenya such a sentence earns you the death penalty. Despite there not being any official killings since the 1982 coup.
Personally, I don’t think the judge morally should have passed that judgment. I believe he should have been judged based on intention and not act alone. We can’t view the world in black and white; there are a lot of grey areas.
Would you blame me for crawling into your house and stealing your money, if I had family to feed? What’s if I did it to enrich myself? Think about it…
Militant out.
I was watching this movie that just came out, with Katt Williams, Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan just to mention a few. Basically, Ice Cube has to try and stop his son from moving to another state with his baby mother since, apparently, ex-convicts can’t travel out of the state or something like that.
Anyway, it got me thinking. When do you say someone’s crossed the line? A man who robs a store to feed his starving family, and a man who robs the same store to enrich himself, in the eyes of the law, is there a right or a wrong?
A few years back, there was an article in the paper, where an elderly man was convicted for robbery with violence, for stealing his neighbours chicken. So you know, in Kenya such a sentence earns you the death penalty. Despite there not being any official killings since the 1982 coup.
Personally, I don’t think the judge morally should have passed that judgment. I believe he should have been judged based on intention and not act alone. We can’t view the world in black and white; there are a lot of grey areas.
Would you blame me for crawling into your house and stealing your money, if I had family to feed? What’s if I did it to enrich myself? Think about it…
Militant out.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Word Up Fruits
Asalam aleykum my brothers & sisters.
I was watching the history channel last week, you know those little short stories they bring in between programs? Well, they had this snippet on a rifle, found in Kenya, a country off the East Coast of Africa. The rifle if i remember correctly was a Lee something, that's not the point, anyway, the ignorant 'historian' narrating the story says:
"This is a .... rifle, an exact replica of rifles used by the British troops
during the post WWII period. I was made by a terrorist group called the
Mau Mau..."
I went like, say what bitch? Who the hell are you calling a terrorist? A group of people kicking your colonising ass out of their country? Because if that's who you call a terrorist, then i think you should change the meaning of the word in the dictionary, to mean, 'innocent society that picks up arms to chase away stealing developed countries'. And you can quote me on that shit!
I'm sure these bitch ass fruits would also refer to the ANC in South Africa, the Vietkong and all other freedom fighters around the globe as terrorists! This some bullshit! Call a spade a spade.
Militant out.
I was watching the history channel last week, you know those little short stories they bring in between programs? Well, they had this snippet on a rifle, found in Kenya, a country off the East Coast of Africa. The rifle if i remember correctly was a Lee something, that's not the point, anyway, the ignorant 'historian' narrating the story says:
"This is a .... rifle, an exact replica of rifles used by the British troops
during the post WWII period. I was made by a terrorist group called the
Mau Mau..."
I went like, say what bitch? Who the hell are you calling a terrorist? A group of people kicking your colonising ass out of their country? Because if that's who you call a terrorist, then i think you should change the meaning of the word in the dictionary, to mean, 'innocent society that picks up arms to chase away stealing developed countries'. And you can quote me on that shit!
I'm sure these bitch ass fruits would also refer to the ANC in South Africa, the Vietkong and all other freedom fighters around the globe as terrorists! This some bullshit! Call a spade a spade.
Militant out.
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