Asalam alyekum, my brothers and sisters.
So President of Sudan (Northern), Omar Al Bashir, has been indicted to the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity, committed in the western region of Sudan, Dar fur. Well, i don't blame them, this nigga has pulled some serious stunts.
There have been over 100,000 killings of innocent civilians in the fighting in that region. His use of his personal militia, aka Janja Weed, has occasioned the international community to take a closer look at his activities...
Though this "closer look", has come a tad bit too late. I mean, did you have to wait till it was declared a genocide by most aide agencies???? Ooohh, i forgot. It's just a bunch of Africans killing themselves. Who gives a damn.
The West learnt a valuable lesson from the days of the Jewish holocaust. To never let such an event ever transpire... Since 1945, all sorts of treaties and agreements were signed, to prevent genocide from transpiring ever again. Mmmhhh... Wasn't the genocide in Rwanda in 1994...???? Or is it African's are at the bottom of "The Man's" list of priories. We're fighting for last place with, who won the last season of America's Got Talent...
Anyway back to the issues at hand. The ICJ has a warrant out for Al-Bashir's arrest. In response, he expelled a bunch of aide agencies out of Dar fur, for apparently conducting intelligence gathering activities. Though, this brings up a whole lot of questions, like what intelligence would they be gathering, and do you have something to hide...
But anyway, "The Man" has been at this sort of intelligence gathering since before colonisation (read rape) of Africa. Lemme take you way back, remember the arrival of missionaries to Africa (to spread the word of God to the savages, i dunno if they realised this but Jesus for a period of time actually lived in Ethiopia, it's even mentioned in the Bible).
Now the story goes like this, some missionaries couldn't conduct their activities in peace due to travelling through hostle territories, so they ran back to their host countries, and begged their governments to help them out. Now the only way for a government to declare war upon another region, would be if there was an actual gross violation of human rights, and there was some resources that will pay for such a campaign. (refer to the cause of war in Iraq.)
What happened next, is what's scaring Al-Bashir shitless. These European governments sent these "missionaries" of intelligence gathering missions, plus it didn't hurt that the government also was paying the bill of their little expeditions...
If you don't believe me, then who discovered the source of the Nile River???? The 14 falls??? I mean, us Africans knew already where the Nile came from and where it went, we didn't need some dumbass selfish prick coming to tell us what we already knew!!
So anyway, as much as i do not support Al-Bashir's assassination of my people, i do not support the Western world's methods, food for intelligence approach, to apparently "solve African problems".
If they truly had good intentions for Africa, Somalia would not be a failed state! Why Sudan??? Does it have anything to do with it being an African country with a huge Arab population?? Maybe it's the oil, which the Sudan government has signed contracts with the Chinese government to drill and process... Or do they actually care about the poor people being killed in Dar fur and the very volatile peace treaty between North and South Sudan... I highly doubt it.
If i had my way, i would assemble my troops, invade Southern Sudan and make it part of Kenya. I mean, we already have the largest population of Sudanese refugees, let's just let them call Kenya home. My next conquest would be Somalia, though i would allow them to implement Sharia Law. Why should we force them to use a law system based on Christian ideologies which have been proven to be incorrect both logically an historically...
Then i would invade Uganda. That dude just pisses me off!!! Then i would not invade Tanzania, but i would request them to unify with the greater Kenya, and for the EAC. And if anyone has a problem with that, then i suggest you pray i never run for president of this great nation, or rise the ranks in the military to Chief of General Staff...
Militant out.
And by the way, in the photo with that mass murderer is the late General John Garang'. The realest freedom fighter to ever live...!
ReplyDeleteOooh yeah, before i forget, here's an opinion i share with the Honorable Minister about Western policy towards Africa... --> Fuck The West
ReplyDeleteDamn, i just came across the most precise description of what i was trying to say Sudan
ReplyDeleteWow this is deep aint even gonna lie!! I expressed the same sentiments on my facebook status last week and got people barking it was racism. Most of the studies and research done on Africa is by non- african people who watched Gods must be crazy probably went to the mara and saw a few lions and now allover sudden are experts in African matters. We are still yet to recover from effects of colonization in 2009. They came to spread the so called Gospel while we were practising christianity before christ!!
ReplyDeleteI get quite emotional when i speak of how this people have marginalized our people and ripped off our natural resources and continue to do so with the false name of their organizations.
It is true we cannot cry over spilt milk but where do we go from here with leaders like Bashir, Mugabe and such???
I agree with Nubian Queens comment, true that militant!
ReplyDeleteBut is invading Sudan and Uganda and forcing them under Kenyan rule really the the way to solve these problems? Sounds mess, forcing a people under a nation they don’t feel like they belong to had seeds of revolt and possible bloody revolution written all over it! I think nations like Sudan and Somalia have to start from scratch, with the help and guidance of other African nations. However forcefully imposing your way on them, and not letting them solve it the way they should, is just doing what the white man did to us. Just this time it’s a black man. You will become the man you started off fighting against, history has proven so. Many revolutionaries often turn into dictators similar to those they were fighting against. If you really care about the development of Africa, you must help such nations develop by themselves, become self efficient and break the dependency on the west…
And dude, why Uganda? Your president’s arnt exactly saints, especially compared to ours!!
Check yourself before making such statements…
Hahahaha... My God, i haven't written in for ever. Eizzy, relax, i'm not a Uganda basher or anything. Actually excluding SA, i don't think there's an African nation that i have issues with. It's just a couple of leaders. Kenyan ones, believe me... What i don't get is UG has been part and parcel of the EAC since it was formed. But it's the only one of the 3 countries in constant confrontations... From LRA to Hutu & Tutsi rebels, to fighting in the Congo... As in honestly...
ReplyDeleteNot to mention, it's the only country in the EAC, which upto 2002, did not have a democratically elected president. (Yeah, Kenya fell down the ranks because of that old fart, Kibaki...)
Back to my greater plan for Eastern Africa. It's not a military conquest, at least not to peaceful nations. But to countries at war, i will move in as a peace keeping force, because i find it highly hypocritical for developing nations to have sat back all these years and watch Somalia degrade like this, Southern Sudan fight a war for almost 15 years, as in honestly, how many innocent civilians do they need, for them to step in????
Countries not at war, will have an opportunity to join and for one country. Think of it as fast tracking the EAC dream...