Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Well, it comes a time when one must move on to another place in their life. So i'm moving to wordpress. My new link is El Militant
I had to move, because Blogger doesn't give much in add-ins and i want to 'soup-up' my blog... So yeah. Catch you on the other side...
Oooh yeah, and thank you for being such a loyal reader... :))
Militant out.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
'Death Squads'

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
So yesterday during a session in the 10th Parliament, of Kenya, MP Gitobu Imanyara dropped a bombshell. He alleged, with evidence, that the first family had hired a 'Death Squad' to kill him, amongst other prominent members of parliament, such as former Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister, Martha Karua.
He unleashed a letter, that circulated parliament, directly implicating the first family in an assassination attempt. Apparently, the only thing that saved him, probably was because, and this is all unsubstantiated so don't quote me, Major General Hussein Ali, out beloved Police Commissioner, refused to, in the words of Kiraitu Murungi, 'tow the line'.
Now, i wouldn't put it past the first family. Here's a little trip down memory lane if you don't remember. Gitobu Imanyara came to brighter light, when he was apparently slapped by First Lady, Lucy 'Crackhead' Kibaki in the halls of the State House.
He, being the lawyer that he is, threatened to sue. But instead he settled for a traditional appeasing, which the first family had to buy him a goat. That proves history.
To prove capability, lemme refer you to Paul Muite. He, during the 5th anniversary of the Standard raid, by President Kibaki's henchmen, said a couple of words that painted the first family in a bad light. Apparently, the Standard was raided because they were about to run a story about Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka's visit to Tanzania, to meet President Jakayo Kikwete, but the juicy part is, the meeting was supposed to be secret.
Remember the raid was right before the 2007 elections, and as you may know, the political heavyweights always play their cards close to their chest. So it didn't sit well with the government for the story to be blown in the news.
Anyway, back to the point. Paul Muite, during the anniversary, brought up this issue, which the government thought it had avoided. Suffice to say, the next time we heard about him, he was representing mungiki leader Maina Njenga. Now think about it. Why would a prominent lawyer represent a 'criminal' (i think he's a scapegoat)??
You guessed it. For protection... Against whom, you may ask... The dreaded first family!
As to prove motive, i would beg your indulgence. Gitobu Imanyara and Martha Karua share one thing in common. They are prominent leaders in Central Kenya. We all know about the Mount Kenya Mafia.
Now, consider an allegiance such as Kiraitu Murungi & Uhuru Kenyatta. The common denominator here is that they all serve in government, and play in Kibaki's little chess game. Uhuru is set up to run for president come 2012, and this time, he stands a good chance of winning. But he won't if the Kikuyu vote is split, thanks to Martha Karua not 'towing the line'. The same political strategy that keeps Raila Odinga in power. Kiraitu thinks he could make it to Prime Minister, but he can't because of the competition from Gitobu Imanyara.
We're are going back to the politics that lead to the many deaths of African freedom fighters across the continent. The same politics that keeps dictators in power. Divide and rule, if there's any actual competition in the bunch, kill them off...
Is this what Nelson Mandela spent eternity in jail for? Is this what Patrice Lumumba sacrificed his life for? Only time till tell...
Militant out.
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
I was cruising the net for a couple of pics for my next post when i came across this article. Take a read and tell me what you think. The Hypocrisy of Democracy
I was cruising the net for a couple of pics for my next post when i came across this article. Take a read and tell me what you think. The Hypocrisy of Democracy
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Post Election Violence
Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
I've tried to ignore it, but this dude is on all stations. Current President of the Republic of Iran, Ahmadinejad is the most paid-attention-to person at the moment.
Apparently Iran is involved in the enrichment of weapons grade uranium... Well i don't buy that. Neither did i but the late Sadam Hussein's apparent weapons of mass destruction. Can the idiots in Washington please stop feeding us all this bull shit to justify their continued colonial ways, and can the media pull their heads out of the Washington diarrhea bucket, and actually do some independent investigation to some of these allegations...
Or is it that it isn't an American that's being accused of this, so they don't care... Because last night, i was watching a show on CNN, Political Mann... Where he was verifying accusations by Republicans and Democrats, both in statements and mud slinging.
I don't need to point how full of shit the Republicans are... Seriously! Anyway, apparently Ahmadinejad stole the election... I find that hard to believe. Maybe Mousavi is just a sore looser... I mean, the opposition couldn't find a piece of evidence, save for a couple Mousavi supporters who say government soldiers actually told them to count one Ahmadinejad vote for every Mousavi vote...
Or maybe it is true. I mean, he didn't steal the election the Kibaki (read stupid) way. Goes to show, there isn't much difference between the developed but oppressed world and the oppressed world... I thought this shit only happened in Africa...
But what i love most about Ahmadinejad is that, in every interview he has with foreign (West) media, he always has to mention a number of things:
a). The West are sanctioning Iran for nothing
b). The West hired the goons who assasinated Iran's Imad Mughniyeh
c). Iran is not in pursuit of nuclear weapons
d). Last but not least, that Israel is the devil
Hahahaha... But honestly, is it me or is every 6th Mousavi supporter a woman? Apparently Ahmadinejad is quite the chauvinist. But what would you expect from a dude who held a speech at Columbia University, he denied having homosexuals in his country...
Personally, i respect whoever stands up to the West, and their colonial ideals and ways. I think it's very hypocritical for them to preach democracy when they don't even practice it. George Bush rigged the 2002 elections, the US has been caught pants down, participating in extrajudicial killings across the globe, through it's 'covert' unit, the CIA, amongst other agencies who's names never reach the eyes and ears of us common folk.
If the West is so fixed on freedom of expression, upholding the rule of law, and freedom of movement, then why was Ahmadinejad denied access to ground zero? I mean, i say fuck the Jewish government, they are fucking mass murderers! Ahmadinejad denies the holocaust ever took place. Mmmhhhh... Maybe... I question alot more things, the Lunar landing, Kennedy's assasination, 9/11, and the list goes one...
Read for yourself and tell me what you think "The Nuclear Sphinx of Tehran"
Militant out.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Guess Who's Back

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
It's been a minute since i last actually wrote something substancial. Guess alot has happened in my life since then. Went through an extremely painful breakup, only to meet someone special.
I can say, with great humility, that we mere mortals cannot fathom the plans of our Creator (whoever you may believe he/she/it is...) I dunno, lately i feel so open to new ideas, that it's amazing.
I have almost given up all that is militant, for the sake of all that is peaceful, wise, effective and timeless. I feel like El Malik El Shahbazz (Malcolm X, for all you ignoranus), after he came back from his pilgrimage to Mecca, Lord rest his soul.
There are alot of things we question in life. From our basic existence, to our survival. But somehow i cannot shake this feeling... Native Indians used to put their ear to the ground, when they sensed something was coming.
I can't remember exactly who it was, but in Kenyan history, there was a spiritual leader who predicted the coming of what he called, the 'Iron Horse', with pale faced men... Something's up. The cosmos isn't balanced... Mmhhh....
As i ponder on this predicament, hopefully i'll come up with a better blog. Till then,
Militant out.
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