Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.
Happy New Year! Yeah i know, i've been away for a minute. But as i have been taught, a wise person listens more than he/she talks. So i've been listening, and now i think i can speak.
Honestly, people are very ungrateful. One thing people forget is, the same people you meet on your way up, you will meet them on your way down. So never think you better than the next person, or consider the person to be of lesser value than you...
I know, because i am at time guilty of the same. Sometime pride blinds me, and i am man enough to admit to my faults.
I recently concluded another relationship... Damn! I'm seeing a trend here. I'm better off being single. Coz seriously, we ain't married, so check yourself. What's with girls today? They just don't know how to play their position, that's why you have guys walking around like zombies, fucking up.
Coz honestly, if for example: My girl takes care of me, i provide for her and shit. I do not foresee any problems. But if the dude never takes care of his girl or the girl take care of her jamaa, then drama galore! I've seen people cheat for lesser reasons, as low as she's in a red dress... LOL!
But on the real, people in relationships need to know how to take care of each other. If everyone's satisfied, then ain't nothing but roses. The alternative is a stressful as a complicated child birth...
Heshimu punda. Feed the relationship, don't let it starve because you think you're the shit...
Militant out.
oh well true that. wish i knew this earlier.
ReplyDelete"Everything has a place, and there's a place for everything", Anonymous.