Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Women Of The 21st Century

Asalam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.

Sorry i haven't posted in a while, but as Bella said, when in a relationship, the dynamics of inspiration change. Plus you can't really express yourself (read talk shit) like you would love to...

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Women of the 21st century, are becoming nothing short of a pain in the butt. I'm referring to Kenyan women, currently in Kenya. Whom i have had the unpleasant pleasure of meeting.

First of all, why is it assumed that i, as a man, will automatically be a gentleman? I mean, i am, but don't expect it! It's supposed to be a surprise!!! And i am to get recognised for it!!

Everytime you take a walk through town, a woman will out of the blue, walk right infront of you. And then give you one of those looks, you know, like she just farted, and the smell is making her face get all folded up!!!

Honestly ladies, if i may use the term loosely, it wouldn't kill you to have a little tact!

By the way, you can catch me on facebook through this link --> Militant

Militant out.


  1. Hmm im taking your relations with the ones from Venus have gone south or not lool!
    Well i think being a gentleman is a good thing and men feel good when they treat women and themselves with respect so it has nothing to do with trying to woo a woman. You dont become a gentleman overnight you learn to become one by the type of life you live. Thats besides the point...so what is the real story??

  2. LOL
    it's a two way thing isn’t it.
    Being a "Gentleman" and a "Lady"...it’s about mutual respect!
