Friday, May 8, 2009

Sex Boycott...

Asalaam aleykum, my brothers and sisters.

It's been awhile. Alot has happened. But amongst those, was something i have tried my hardest to avoid talking about. So i won't, but i will leave you with this article Nation News Reporter

Militant out.


  1. LoL.
    you lack of a comment says it all i guess...still, would have been an interesting read!

  2. Since you've brought it up, i guess i will induldge... :)

    This sex boycott crap was a pathetic idea, and whoever thought it up should have their 2% DNA that makes em human removed and given to an ape that will make good use of it... Seriously.

    It degrades women, and gives the impression that sex is all women are good for. As it is said at a time when women all over the world are trying to get marital rape recognised... Come on...!!!

    FIDA is a disgrace!
