Friday, July 11, 2008

Who’s To Blame?

Asalam aleykum my brothers and sisters.

Awhile ago, in class, my lecturer decided to digress a little and argue why the new dress code on campus is justified. Knowing me, militant, I have an obligation to fight the system. So he asked me if I would hire a dude in dreadlocks, I said depends on the job, if its radio, nobody gets to see your face so it wouldn’t matter and anyway, having a few nutty dreads never hurt nobody...

So the dude mentions how the dress code thing came to be. Apparently on her way home one afternoon, a student was almost raped in broad daylight. Luckily, the same lecturer rushed to her rescue. He went ahead to say, that 90% of the time, it’s the woman’s fault.

That men in certain situations are basically not to blame for what they end up doing. Well, to use this as an argument would be an insult to everyone. That would mean, that men could get away with practically anything and blame is on someone else.

Personally, I do not support this school of thought. I think we are all responsible for our own actions no matter what the situation is! The moment we start justifying our actions by the environment, will be the moment we loose our intelligence as human beings.

Militant out.

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